Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is It Just Me?

When I was a boy, I loved playing army men.  My friends and I would take our gear and would go off in search of the enemy. Our epic battles would take place across lawns, down the alley and in vacant lots on the near West Side of Indianapolis.  But in our minds we were storming the beaches of Normandy.  We were parachuting behind enemy lines in Germany. We took the islands of the pacific. Often outnumbered we would defeat entire divisions with just hand to hand combat!  We could save the world before dinner time every day!

Many of you can relate to that.  You may not have played army men but you may have raced bicycles.  Though you were just peddling down the sidewalk in your mind you were winning the Indy 500. Your barbie always won the beauty pageant.  In our child's mind we never lost a battle, race or contest.  Let me ask you this; where does that come from?  Where does the idea that we always win come from?  I believe that our desire to win comes from our spiritual DNA. 

The book of Genesis records that man was made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27).  God is the author of all creation. He saw the chaotic world of Genesis 1 and visualized that things could improve. So He spoke it and it was so.  But first he saw it in his mind.  This is where you got the idea of always winning no matter what as a kid.  It is in your spiritual make up.  The problem is that after people grow up, they leave the creative imagination behind. Then they find themselves trapped in lives were they are always the loser. 

Do you ever find you dream of doing or being something more than what you are right now?  Do you have a dream or passion that you feel burning inside of you to fulfill?  Does it keep you awake at night and consume your thoughts by day? Do you still dream of being a winner?  You may have even asked yourself; "is this for real or is it just me?" IT IS NOT JUST YOU! 

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10 NKJV)

God created you to be a winner.  He created you to fulfill a purpose here on this earth. He placed you here to make a difference.  It is not just you, it is God in you screaming for you to fulfill your mission.  He is prodding you to find your purpose and discover your destiny.

We were all created to be winners. As Chip Esajian says, "You were created extraordinary greatness!"  Get up and pursue your dreams! Stop worrying about what others will think.  Did you worry what people thought when you were pretending when you were a kid?  Why let what someone else thinks about your dream determine the way you feel? It is not just you feeling this way.  Millions of people live lives that Emerson called quiet desperation.  They feel something bigger on the inside, screaming to get out, but is held captive by fear, doubt and unbelief.  I will not live like that! 

Starting today determine to listen to that winner in you.  Listen to that creative power of God in your spirit that says you can do or be anything you desire to be.  It's not too late to find your passion.  It's not too late to fulfill your purpose.  It is never too late to make a difference.

God Bless you!

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