Monday, November 15, 2010

Be Thankful

Be Thankful

Ephesians 5:20

“Giving thanks always for all things…”

I have heard this passage quoted mucho mas (a lot)! And, sad to say, much of the time it was interpreted incorrectly. Let me give you a few examples: “Thank you Jesus for breaking my arm!” Or “I am thankful for the painful divorce I am going through!” These are a couple of illustrations of how people have missed the point. I myself wrestled with this passage and the misguided interpretations I was given. There was just no way could I be thankful for something that brought me harm or intense personal pain. I felt that by saying “thank you” for my pain, hurt, loss or whatever, I was acknowledging that God was the author of it. I just could not wrap my head around the whole idea of God sending pain into my life. I could not believe that God would intentionally hurt me or anyone else just to teach us to be thankful. And, when I questioned people about this, I was told not to ask why or question God, just accept what He has sent. Fortunately, I learned that God is not the author of pain in my life. I discovered that he takes no pleasure in seeing me suffer. And, He is not afraid or intimidated by my questions. So, what did Paul the Apostle mean when he penned the words “giving thanks for all things”?

I believe Paul was stating that thankfulness is a life style. It is something that we should intentionally practice each and every day. Thankfulness should flow out of us and touch every aspect of our lives. You see, thankfulness starts on the inside and is not reactionary to external stimuli! Thankfulness is not something I demonstrate only when triggered it into action. It is a way of life! That no matter what is going on around me; I have a well of thankfulness I can draw from. Drinking from this well, I am refreshed when the heat is on! Am I thankful for the pain of breaking my arm? No. Am I thankful for the deep emotional hurt of a divorce? No. My thankfulness is demonstrated by me not allowing these painful life experiences to affect me. And, I can be thankful for God’s help, guidance and protection through the difficulties of life.

So, what can a person do to dig a deep well of thankfulness?

1. When you wake up every morning say “thank you” over and over again. This will get your mind and spirit moving in the right direction. Make this a practice throughout the day. Understand that thankfulness must be cultivated and maintained daily!!

2. When faced with problems, instead of asking “why is this happening to me?”, rather ask “what can I learn from this?” The way you view the problems of life will either make you bitter or better.

3. Understand that you have a choice. You are not the helpless victim of circumstances beyond your control. Make the effort to build up your internal person (the real you) to withstand the storms of life. You may not be able to change the wind, but you can change your sails!

Starting today; make faithfulness a way of life. By doing so you will discover that you have more joy, attract better people into your life and will b e a source of encouragement to others.

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