Monday, March 22, 2010

Hold my feet to the fire!

I have had it! I am appalled, disgusted, just plain aggravated!. Something has got to be done. I do not like where I am and furthermore I do not like where the road that got me here leads. I can see the end, and it is definitely not where I want to end up. Something must change!

Roughly five years ago, I found myself seriously out of shape. I was tipping the scale at 250 pounds. I looked like one of those cartoon characters who had had a safe dropped on his head. It would have only been a matter of time before the health issues would manifest themselves. But, the obesity and the health concerns was not the catalyst to spark a change in my life. It was an announcement.

My son and daughter in law informed my wife and I that they were expecting our first grandchild. I was elated about the news of a baby coming in our lives. The very thought of it was exciting. However, there was a troubling image that kept coming to mind. It was an image from the past that spoke to me about my future if some thing did not change.

The image took place in a small church in South Louisiana. The hearse was parked out front and the casket surrounded by flower arrangements was placed right in front of the pulpit. In the image a small red headed boy of five, all neatly dressed in suit and tie was peering over the edge of the smoke colored casket. He was looking at the body of his best buddy--his grandfather.

That boy was my son and the body in the casket was that of my late father in law. He was a godly man. He had little formal education as he went to work at a young age to help support his family. He worked hard his entire life. Served with the 2ND Armored Division in the Korean conflict and earned a combat infantry badge. He built his home with his own two hand and had the deed to prove that it was his. He was a caring and compassionate man who loved his family and would give the shirt off of his back to help someone in need. My son idolized the man. And, I looked to him as the father I never had. Yet, he would not take care of himself.

He suffered a severe heart attack many years prior and was medically retired from his occupation. His heart was bad and his blood pressure was high. He was given strict orders concerning medication, diet and exercise. he would take the medication, he worked hard, but he would not eat right. Born and raised in the heart of Cajun country his diet consisted of fatty fried foods. He loved it. he often said, "I would rather be dead than not be able to eat what I want." He got what he wanted. And, a five year old boy is out a friend and trying to grasping to understand what had taken place.

That image has burned in my mind for over twenty years. It was that image that propelled me to do something with myself. I did not want my grandson to be peering over the casket at my cold lifeless body because I failed to take care of myself. I finally had a reason worth dying for to get myself health and in shape. I set out on a mission and within two years I was in the best shape of my life--eating correctly and exercising religiously. And, then out of nowhere..or so it seemed...challenges presented themselves. Challenges that if not addressed and remedied they could undermine my success.

Within the space of 13 months, I was hit with three major life challenges: The death of my mother in law, losing my job, and suffering an injury that result in corrective surgery along with months of therapy. I have been reeling emotionally. I stopped exercising and basically have been eating whatever I want. I saw myself in the mirror today 25 lbs heavier than I was a year ago and out of shape. And, guess who happened to be standing beside me? My four year old grandson. I looked at him. I looked at me. And, I remembered an image from a long time ago. Today, things will change.

So my purpose in writing this today is to let you all know (whoever you all maybe) what my game plan is. Starting today it is back to being the exercising/healthy eating zealot I was 13 months ago. It is the first day to set things in order. To change my direction and steer my course to where I want to be rather than allowing my emotions to cause me to drift aimlessly to an undesired destination. I need and solicit your help. I am asking for you to hold my feet to the fire. Can ya do that?

1 comment:

  1. Danny, I couldn't agree more. I just had a friend come over to the mainland for a visit this weekend and she prompted me to go for my first run in ...well, a very long time.
    I generally split my time between my family and my business leaving precious little time to take care of myself. What good am I going to be to either my family or my business if I'm not taking care of myself?
    I now possess an unwavering focus and desire for personal & professional fitness. So, armed with my 'swishy' new running shoes, I am ready to start tomorrow with getting my kids organized, sending my husband off with a kiss, making time for a run and only then will I take my 60-second carpet commute down to my office.
    Keep me posted and I'll do the same.
