Monday, November 29, 2010

How ya like me now?

"Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness,
the LORD shall be a light unto me." Micah 7:8

Ever had the wind knocked out of you? I have.  I remember one instance very vividly.  I was playing Junior High School football.  When the ball snapped and the action started, I must have stepped back and stood up a bit from as a player from the opposing line thrust his helmet into my gut! I was knocked down and as I stood up I could not breathe.  In what seemed to take an eternity my breathing did return to normal.

Ever had life knock the wind out of you?  Divorce, being laid off, and financial woes will all knock the wind out of you. And, there are numerous other instances when we have been caught off guard and opposition seemed to gut punch us. None of us are immune from the gut punches of life.  We all at sometime or another have had the wind knocked out of us.  With situations that have hurt us deeply, shattered our dreams and have left us feeling humiliated, what do we do? You get back up.

When you played sports you didn't lay there on the field moaning and crying. Coach would tell you to get up and "walk it off"!  You did as you were told and eventually the life would come back into you.  The same is true in life.The longer you lay there wallowing in self pity the harder it will be to get back in the game.  You must get up and walk it off! No matter how hard you were knocked down--get up! No matter how low you sank--get up and walk it off!!

When life knocks the wind out of you determine that you are getting back up!  Others will laugh at you and you may even have to swallow your pride as the situation brings you down to your knees.  When that happens just imagine the end result you desire to have.  Picture yourself as already getting back up and not just surviving, but thriving! People may have rejoiced at the pain they inflicted in your life. They may have thought they did you in.  Now, just imagine all the faces of those who wrote you off, who hurt you, who laughed at you when you rise up from the ashes and claim your prize.  Imagine you asking them "How ya like me now?"

 Live that victory internally and it will manifest itself externally. You have to be the victor on the inside before it manifests on the outside.  Determine that when you fall you will rise back up again.  I may be in darkness now, but I have hope for a brighter tomorrow.  Don't give up on me just yet.  I will bounce back. One day the situation I am in will only be a memory.  And, I will ask all of those who believed me out for the count, "how ya like me now?"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chasing your tail!

Yes. I am a Harry Potter fan.

 I became one after looking into Harry for myself.  I had been told to stay away from Harry Potter.  That Harry Potter was the satanic and the books are a ploy to lure people to the dark side! In Christian circles books were written and entire ministries sprung up to battle the ebbing darkness of Harry!  He had to be stopped!!

Is Harry Potter a threat to Christianity?  Can the entire body of Christ be undermined by a English school boy who waves a wand?  Think about that!  This is insanity!!!!  Yet, as a Christian, and a Pastor, I have seen this type of thing repeatedly in Christian circles. These are things that get our focus off the real issues and place them on something else.  It all reminds me of a dog chasing his tail!  A lot of action but leads to nothing productive.

Why is it that Christians will spend so much time chasing their Harry Potter Tail?  Deflection!  Rather than addressing the real issues of the world, we find something else to vilify and persecute!  Why would we do that?  Because it takes attention off of what we are not and what we are not doing! 

Jesus refers to His followers as light and salt.  Both of these things are agents of change.  Light changes darkness and salt changes the flavor of what it comes in contact with.  That is what we are suppose to do.  But, it is far easier to focus our energy on Harry than focusing on becoming what Jesus wants us to be. 

Jesus said that when ever we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and prisoners it is as if we have done this to Him.  When we spend all of our time chasing our tail, we neglect those who need Jesus the most.  We miss the point.  Social Justice is at the heart of Christianity.  This fact cannot be denied.  And it saddens me to think we have made Christianity an enterprise rather than an agency for change.  It is time for all of this craziness to stop. 

It is time to stop arguing that Jesus is more like a Republican or more like a Democrat. Just think how crazy those statements are?  They are only more of the same sectarian bigotry that divides God's people.  It is time to stop creating multi-billion dollar church organizations that are more concerned with self-preservation rather than fulfilling God's purpose here on earth.  It is time to stop placing limits on who is love able and who isn't.  It is time to stop saying who can worship at the local church and who can't! It is time to stop chasing our tails.  It is time to start doing what Jesus intended for us to be: Agents of change. 

Harry Potter isn't the devil; complacency is.  Harry Potter isn't evil; greed is.  Harry Potter isn't wicked; showing no compassion is.  It is time to stop chasing our tails and do something that really matters.

Harry Potter is the Anti-Christ and other non-sensical comments!

There was deep concern in his voice as he made his claim. He turned toward the camera and emphatically declared that the Harry Potter books were ploys of satan to suck the spiritual life out of children! He declared that the books should be banned.  And, that Christian people should rise up and forbid their children to be duped by this vast satantic conspiracy!

 I mean this guy sitting there looking into the camera had the crednetials.  He was (and still is) a prominent televangelist. He pastors a large congregation.  Has dined with presidents and is a personal friend of Israel.  Not to mention, he has this really big chart that stretches across the platform of his church that he often refers to. Why should anyone doubt what he was saying?

This man launched a full assault of the books of J.K. Rowling.  He did everything in his power to sway millions to stay away from the budding Harry Potter franchise.  And, people listened and took what he said lock, stock and barrel.  Many never even checked Harry Potter out for themselves.  I recently spoke with a woman in the church where I attend and she said she would never read the Harry Potter books or see the movies. And, when I pressed her about it, she could not even tell me why.  In my opnion that is just doesn't make any sense.

When all the Harry Potter hoop-la started, I decided to look into this for myself.  I was not just going to take what someone said as fact without doing my own research. So, I looked in to it.  And, I became a Harry Potter fan! I have enjoyed every Harry Potter film and just saw "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" (Part 1) on opening day.  And, after watching all of those movies I have never once had the urge to sacrifice cats and worship satan.  Nor, do I find myself casting spells or flying around on brooms!  All the claims made, though well intentioned, were wrong. It just goes to show you cannot believe everything you are told.

I wonder how many people live their lives based upon what someone else has told them?  I wonder how many people live beneath their potential because they were told they did not have any?  I wonder how many have bought a bill of goods about their future from friends or even family members?  They took what someone told them as fact and did not even explore their options.  That is not just a shame.  I believe it is a sin. 

God created each of us as unique one of a kind masterpiece. He has given each of us unlimited potential. We have more potential than we will ever use in a life time.  So, rather than buy the lies that you are hopeless, destined for poverty, that life is meant to be endured, why not look into the truth?  Why not discover who you really are and what you are meant to do?  You hear a voice in you for something bigger.  Listen to that inner voice! Stop listening to those who tell you can't and start believing that you can!! The road of discovery will change your life!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Stuck in a Moment

Houston, Texas 1983. I was sitting in the waiting room at South East Memorial Hospital. The doors to the authorized personnel area opened and in walked the doctor. I stood to my feet and walked over to her. When we met, she said to me; "Mr. Toops, you are the father of a healthy baby boy." My whole life changed in just a moment.

A moment is a point in time where my past meets my future. A point where I can see all of the failures, pain and mistakes of yesterday and where I can see if I do not make alteration in my life, I will repeat them again in my future. We all have experienced moments. Moments that define who we are. Moments that have set the course of our lives. Some have been great moments. While some moments we have regrettably had to live with.

Moments can be by our own making–choices we have made. Some moments are the results of decisions others close to us made. But they are all just that moments. Moments come and moments go. They can be easily ignored or they can be an epiphany.

In Gospel of Luke, chapter fifteen, Jesus gave a parable. A parable is a simple story used to convey a deeper truth. The majority of Jesus' teaching was done in parabolic form. In Luke 15, Jesus used three parables: The parable of the Lost Coin; the parable of the lost sheep; and the parable of the prodigal son (our lost son).

In The parable of the prodigal son, Jesus told the story of a young man who was discontented with the life that his family had provided him. This son was born obviously into a family of means and had everything he wanted or needed. However, he was wanting to break free form home and do his own thing. Jesus painted a vivid picture of the disrespect and rebellion of this son. The social and religious implications of the son's statements and actions were appalling. Jesus had succeeded in portraying the son as a spoiled rich brat! The young man was given his share of the father's wealth and split for places far far away.

Once the prodigal arrived at his destination, he "wasted" his money in prodigal living ( wasteful living) .He spent everything and became destitute. The fun dried up and the friends left him. To make matters worse, a famine came to far far away. And, the prodigal found himself in NEED! He was in a far away country with no financial means and without a support network. he was flat broke and on his own. The arrogant rich brat who had it all was no reduced to a vagrant who slopped hogs to pay his bills. To refer to a song by U2 , he was stuck in a moment and he couldn't get out of it!

Then something happened. Just like the brainstorm came to him to leave home and live the Vida loca, he had another moment. But, this time it was a moment of self realization. Luke's gospel says it this way: "but when he came to himself". The choices of the past collided with his future. He realized that if he stayed where he was he would die. He had to get out of this. He made a decision to go home, apologize to his father and take full responsibility for his actions. He hoped that things would work. And, according to the parable, they did. And, things worked out better than he had hoped. A moment had nearly ruined his life. And a moment changed his life!

Do you find yourself alienated from a life you use to know? Do you find your self separated from family or friends? Have your choices caused you to ruin relationships–finances–health–others? Do you find your self alone and in a pig pen? Are you hungry for a better life? Have you come face to face with the realization that if something does not change your life is doomed to repeat itself? If you have come to realize you must change you're on the right track. Now you must act on it. You must put your desire to change to work for you. You must have a defining moment that will impact the rest of your life. A moment for your good not your bad. A moment that may be painful to for you. But a moment that will change you forever. YOU MUST COME TO YOURSELF! You must awaken that person God created you to be. That persons you have always wanted to be. That successful person who is working to fulfill their purpose on this earth. It must start somewhere. It might as well be right here, right now. But it is a choice that only YOU can make.

This is your moment. Do not let fear paralyze you. Do not let uncertainty dominate your mind. There are two dimensions of faith. The first dimension is faith to trust God. That is simply trusting God to do what he has said to do. Things that he has done for others, except you have never experienced them. Trusting God for salvation–relationships–finances–health. These are areas of first dimension faith. Second dimension faith is simply stepping out not having a clue because God has not really said what He would do. The prodigal son had no guarantee that his father would even speak to him let alone allow him to be a hired servant. But his stepping out into that area of unknown–knowing it was the right thing to do, with no guarantee that it would go the way he wanted it to go, resulted in an ending –(or new beginning?) to his story. What is your defining moment challenging you to do?

What areas of the unknown are you feeling compelled to step out into? Don’t wait for some sign to appear before you act. Don’t wait till everything comes together before you step out. Don’t wait till it all comes to you .Do something you have never done before. It may require swallowing your pride or eating some proverbial dirt. You can’t expect anything to change if you stay where you are. Come to yourself and get out of the mess you find yourself in. It is not too late. Now is your defining moment.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is It Just Me?

When I was a boy, I loved playing army men.  My friends and I would take our gear and would go off in search of the enemy. Our epic battles would take place across lawns, down the alley and in vacant lots on the near West Side of Indianapolis.  But in our minds we were storming the beaches of Normandy.  We were parachuting behind enemy lines in Germany. We took the islands of the pacific. Often outnumbered we would defeat entire divisions with just hand to hand combat!  We could save the world before dinner time every day!

Many of you can relate to that.  You may not have played army men but you may have raced bicycles.  Though you were just peddling down the sidewalk in your mind you were winning the Indy 500. Your barbie always won the beauty pageant.  In our child's mind we never lost a battle, race or contest.  Let me ask you this; where does that come from?  Where does the idea that we always win come from?  I believe that our desire to win comes from our spiritual DNA. 

The book of Genesis records that man was made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27).  God is the author of all creation. He saw the chaotic world of Genesis 1 and visualized that things could improve. So He spoke it and it was so.  But first he saw it in his mind.  This is where you got the idea of always winning no matter what as a kid.  It is in your spiritual make up.  The problem is that after people grow up, they leave the creative imagination behind. Then they find themselves trapped in lives were they are always the loser. 

Do you ever find you dream of doing or being something more than what you are right now?  Do you have a dream or passion that you feel burning inside of you to fulfill?  Does it keep you awake at night and consume your thoughts by day? Do you still dream of being a winner?  You may have even asked yourself; "is this for real or is it just me?" IT IS NOT JUST YOU! 

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10 NKJV)

God created you to be a winner.  He created you to fulfill a purpose here on this earth. He placed you here to make a difference.  It is not just you, it is God in you screaming for you to fulfill your mission.  He is prodding you to find your purpose and discover your destiny.

We were all created to be winners. As Chip Esajian says, "You were created extraordinary greatness!"  Get up and pursue your dreams! Stop worrying about what others will think.  Did you worry what people thought when you were pretending when you were a kid?  Why let what someone else thinks about your dream determine the way you feel? It is not just you feeling this way.  Millions of people live lives that Emerson called quiet desperation.  They feel something bigger on the inside, screaming to get out, but is held captive by fear, doubt and unbelief.  I will not live like that! 

Starting today determine to listen to that winner in you.  Listen to that creative power of God in your spirit that says you can do or be anything you desire to be.  It's not too late to find your passion.  It's not too late to fulfill your purpose.  It is never too late to make a difference.

God Bless you!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Better Thinking Better Living: Be Thankful

Better Thinking Better Living: Be Thankful

Be Thankful

Be Thankful

Ephesians 5:20

“Giving thanks always for all things…”

I have heard this passage quoted mucho mas (a lot)! And, sad to say, much of the time it was interpreted incorrectly. Let me give you a few examples: “Thank you Jesus for breaking my arm!” Or “I am thankful for the painful divorce I am going through!” These are a couple of illustrations of how people have missed the point. I myself wrestled with this passage and the misguided interpretations I was given. There was just no way could I be thankful for something that brought me harm or intense personal pain. I felt that by saying “thank you” for my pain, hurt, loss or whatever, I was acknowledging that God was the author of it. I just could not wrap my head around the whole idea of God sending pain into my life. I could not believe that God would intentionally hurt me or anyone else just to teach us to be thankful. And, when I questioned people about this, I was told not to ask why or question God, just accept what He has sent. Fortunately, I learned that God is not the author of pain in my life. I discovered that he takes no pleasure in seeing me suffer. And, He is not afraid or intimidated by my questions. So, what did Paul the Apostle mean when he penned the words “giving thanks for all things”?

I believe Paul was stating that thankfulness is a life style. It is something that we should intentionally practice each and every day. Thankfulness should flow out of us and touch every aspect of our lives. You see, thankfulness starts on the inside and is not reactionary to external stimuli! Thankfulness is not something I demonstrate only when triggered it into action. It is a way of life! That no matter what is going on around me; I have a well of thankfulness I can draw from. Drinking from this well, I am refreshed when the heat is on! Am I thankful for the pain of breaking my arm? No. Am I thankful for the deep emotional hurt of a divorce? No. My thankfulness is demonstrated by me not allowing these painful life experiences to affect me. And, I can be thankful for God’s help, guidance and protection through the difficulties of life.

So, what can a person do to dig a deep well of thankfulness?

1. When you wake up every morning say “thank you” over and over again. This will get your mind and spirit moving in the right direction. Make this a practice throughout the day. Understand that thankfulness must be cultivated and maintained daily!!

2. When faced with problems, instead of asking “why is this happening to me?”, rather ask “what can I learn from this?” The way you view the problems of life will either make you bitter or better.

3. Understand that you have a choice. You are not the helpless victim of circumstances beyond your control. Make the effort to build up your internal person (the real you) to withstand the storms of life. You may not be able to change the wind, but you can change your sails!

Starting today; make faithfulness a way of life. By doing so you will discover that you have more joy, attract better people into your life and will b e a source of encouragement to others.

Monday, August 9, 2010

That's the way it's suppose to be?

Elroy McConnell II and his family went on a much needed family to beautiful St. Petersburg, Florida.  McConnell, the father of three sons, Elroy III, Nathan and Kelly.  Elroy had arrived from Louisiana with his wife and their just months old son Elroy IV. McConnell wrote on his Facebook page; "They're all really great and unconditionally supportive."  That was on the afternoon of Saturday July 31, 2010.  Sometime that evening McConnell and his three sons went for a guys night out to see the movie Predator.  They never returned.

Around midnight at the corner of Martin Luther King and 22nd Avenue, McConnell was traveling was bound on 22nd avenue when a south bound Chevy Impala, driven by Demetrius Jordan, blew through the intersection at a high rate of speed. The impact of the collision sent the Ford Fusion being driven by McConnell crashing into the sign of the corner Seven Eleven. All four of the McConnell's were pronounced dead at the scene.

Demetrius Jordan, 20, is the second of of four children.  He graduated from St. Petersburg High School  where he played on the marching band drum line and even gave drum lesson to children at Mount Zion Progressive Missionary baptist Church. A college student with no criminal record and described as a quiet and humble man.  He had a life of potential and promise. Now he is facing four counts of manslaughter and his life is in ruins.

I cannot even begin to feel or understand the great sense of loss the McConnell family has experienced.  No way I would even want to feel that.  I am angered by the results of Demetrius Jordan's poor choice to drink and drive. Personally, I feel drunk drivers get off way to easy.  It always seems they can walk away unscathed while the Innocent are carted off draped with a sheet. Personally, I can understand the anger that would want a person to lash out in retaliation to the person or persons who inflicted such loss.  But, that will not right anything that has happened and will not change what has been done. 

And, what about Demetrius Jordan?  A young man of promise and potential.  Now facing unimaginable problems.  There is no way I could even begin to feel what he is going through right now.  He no longer wears a marching band uniform, but a prison jumpsuit. He will not be living in the college dorm, but in a cell block.  He will not be attending college with his friends but will be living in a correctional facility.  He will wear the label of convicted felon for the rest of his life. 

There is no way anyone can tell me that this was suppose to be.  There is no way anyone can tell me that this was fate.  There is no way anyone could tell me that "it was their time".  That is just plain lunacy!! What kind of sick twisted world do people who believe that kind of stupidity live in?  They will try to tell me that it was God's will.  God's will?  What kind of screwed up God to they worship?  This situation had nothing to do with God.  It had everything to do with a choices.  A young man with potential and promise climbed into a car and chose to drive under the influence of alcohol.  That one bad choice set into motion of chain of events that ruined the lives of the McConnell family members, his family, and his own life. 

No.  This was not the way it was suppose to be.  This was not God's will.  This was not fate and wasn't the way it was suppose to be! So, if this event teaches us anything, it is this: your choices not only affect you, they affect others as well.  Four men are dead and three women widowed by a choice made by a stranger.  A family now must now cope with seeing their son in prison and dealing with the public outcry he has caused. Communities, churches, college campuses, and places of business will now feel the loss caused by a bad choice.  Never believe that your life is your own and what you do doesn't affect anyone else.  Don't live your life that way.  Because that is not the way it is suppose to be. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hitting a Fast Ball!

In the early 1980's I was a college student in Houston, Texas.  And, it was during this time that I developed a fondness for Houston's Major League Baseball team, The Astros.  While I was working at night to pay for my schooling, KTHR would broadcast the games live on the radio.  It helped pass the time and got me familiar with a man by the name of Nolan Ryan.

Nolan Ryan pitched 27 seasons for the New York Mets, California Angels, Houston Astros and the Texas Rangers.  Ryan was an eight time MLB all star and holds the record for most career strike outs at 5,714. Ryan was a hard throwing right handed pitcher with pitches at over 100 MPH even past the age of 40.  Thus the media tagged him with the "Ryan Express".  There was nothing better than to watch Nolan Ryan throwing the heat!

Though Ryan holds the record for most career strike outs, there were still those who connected with that speeding orb and knocked it out of the park. That is amazing just think about. What is more interesting is that according to Yale University Physicist Robert Adair hitting an 90 MPH is a mathematical impossibility!  A 90MPH fastball travels 60.5' (the distance between the mound and home plate) in 400 milliseconds. According to Adair, it takes 200 milliseconds for the batter to find the ball once the pitcher releases it.  It takes another 100 milliseconds for placement.  Meaning, this is when the batter determines where he will hit the ball as it comes whizzing toward him.  Then the actual decision to swing and follow through takes 150 milliseconds.  That is a total of 450 milliseconds to hit a ball that covers that distance in 400 milliseconds.  It is a mathematical impossibility. Yet, it happens.  And if you are a baseball fan you have seen it happen. 

What does it mean?  It means that despite all of the fact and figures we are all creatures of hope.  We all have inside of us the belief that we can accomplish anything.  Look at all of the technology advances made since 1900.  Many of the things we enjoy today, someone said they were impossible. But,we have them and use them every day.  What some said would never be...IS.

What impossibilities are you facing today?  What dreams, hope, aspirations have you allowed to be buried because you believed the notion that they could never be?  You will never hit it out of the park if you don't try.  You maybe thinking that you only have three strikes then you're out!  Here is the truth:  God is the umpire and when it comes to you and accomplishing your dreams He will allow you to swing until you slam the ball over the wall!  The only thing that can limit you from doing what others say is impossible is you.

I challenge you to step up to the plate.  Look the pitcher right in the eye and tell him to bring on the heat!  Then swing like a wild man!  If others have done it so can you. It can be done.  But you have to try!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Write your life.

"...Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."
 Habakkuk 2.2 KJV

One of my favorite quotes comes from the movie “Lawrence of Arabia”. After Lawrence and his men make a long and arduous journey through the desert, they stumble into an oasis to refresh themselves. Upon arrival, it is noticed that one of the camel boys is missing. Lawrence mounts his horse and is preparing to ride back into the blistering desert to retrieve the boy to safety. He asks for help in the search, but his men refuse. They all declared that the boy is taken by the desert and it is futile to go after him. Lawrence insisted that they must find the boy. His men replied that the fate of the boy is God’s will. That it has been written and they cannot change that. Lawrence, angered by their ridiculous belief rides into the desert to find the boy alone.

After several days, Lawrence appears on the horizon with the boy. They collapse in the shade of the oasis and take water to refresh themselves. His men all gathered around to see with their own eyes that Lawrence and the boy had indeed returned alive. Lawrence looks at his men and says, “Nothing is ever written unless you write it.”

That is a powerful quote! Too many are living lives that they have allowed others to write for them. They feel they are prisoners to a way of life, circumstances, culture, disadvantage, or socio-economic status. They feel that there is absolutely nothing they can do to remedy their situation. Their mantra is “it is what it is.” As they attempt to make sense out of their dysfunctional reality. Reasoning and rationalizing in an attempt to dull their emotional, spiritual, and mental anguish.

Understand this: your destiny is not set in stone. It was not painstakingly chiseled out and predetermined for you. The one who writes your story is you. “Nothing is ever written unless you write it.” You have the power to write things out and to write thing in. You have the power to change the outcome. You have the power to take a bad story and make it good. It is all in your hands. The pen is in your hand.  How will you write yoru story?

Monday, May 24, 2010



You have heard of the four R’s, but have you ever heard of the four C’s? Chances are if you have ever shopped for a diamond ring you have. The four C’s are: cut, clarity, color and carat weight. The value of the diamond is determined by these four characteristics. The better each if, the more valuable the diamond will be. But, here is something that I think most jewelry sales people fail to tell their customers. No matter how valuable a diamond is, every diamond has a flaw. Yes. Every diamond has a flaw, just like every person does.

The whole concept of flawless perfection, when it comes to people, is a pipedream. I know that there are religious people out there laboring for perfection. They subject themselves to all sorts of disciplines in an attempt to be perfect. And each time they think they have achieved it, something happens to remind them they still have flaws.

When this happens, guilt comes in and sets up camp. Compounded guilt produces shame. Shame will bring feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. Then the self loathing starts. “I am worthless”. “I can’t do anything right”. Now you have diamond that is so focused on the flaw that it fails to see its real value.

Now, understand I am not attempting to give license to behave anyway you want and excuse it on your flaws. We should continually be working on the things that bring value to our lives. What I am saying is, don’t beat yourself up every time you have to deal with your flaws. Guilt and shame have no place in your life. When you mess up (and you will) deal with it. Admit you were wrong and take action to correct that behavior. And, exercise forgiveness.

Forgiveness should be something we practice on a regular basis. After all, everyone is made from the same dirt and we all have flaws. We should not only learn to forgive others, we should also learn to forgive ourselves. When was the last time you forgave yourself? Could it be that we have a hard time forgiving others because we fail to forgive ourselves? Forgiveness simply means to let it go. When you are faced with the reality of your flaws (and you will be) deal with it and let it go! Forgive yourself. You will find that by allowing forgiveness to flow into you, you allow it to flow from you. Remember Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. If you cannot love and forgive yourself how can you love and forgive anyone else? The more I invest in me the more I have to invest in others.

Flawless perfection is a pipedream. Stop trying to achieve it! You have flaws. Come to terms with that. You are a diamond. Let the world see your value.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles

Obstacle: something immaterial that stands in the way, impedes, holds up progress. They create complication and conflict. They are barriers. And, we all face them. E. Joseph Crossman said, “Obstacles are things a person sees who take his eyes off the goal.” Frank Clark said, “If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably does not lead anywhere.”

Having anything of value in your life will be fraught with obstacles. In fact, obstacles are necessary for success as victory is achieved after many struggles and countless defeats. There will always be a reason why you cannot achieve it. There will always be a barrier as to why it cannot be obtained or be done. A new recruit looking at the daunting gauntlet of the obstacle course before him, feels “there ain’t no way I can do that.” But, before basic training is completed the obstacle course will be beaten! In life you will face obstacles. That is a given. What remains to be seen is, will you succumb to or overcome the obstacles?

So, why do people choose to be held down by obstacles rather than overcome them? Why do they choose to be bound to something they detest? Why will remain where they are so close to what they want to have and be?

1. Failure to take responsibility—In John 5 is the story of a man who had been laying near a pool of water that was believed to hold healing properties. An angel was said to come down at certain times and stir up the waters. Whoever would step into the water at that moment would be healed. This man had lain beside that pool for 38 years! He blamed his continued condition on there not being anyone there to help him. Your success depends on YOU! It is solely your responsibility. Jesus did not ask him “do you have anyone to help you?” He said, “Do you want to get well?”

• Accept responsibility for where you are. Accept your role in the way things are (whether you contributed to it or not)—end “the blame game and woe is me game”. Nothing you can do to change the past. But you can change your future!

• Accept responsibility that happiness is a choice—end the “who will make me happy game” Happiness is not contingent upon externals, it is determined by what is inside of you. Paul said; “I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.” Philippians 4 Message Bible

• Accept responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions and end the “I can’t do anything right” game. If you can change the way you think, you can change the way you feel. If you can change the way you think you can change the way you act. If you can change the way you think you can change your life.
2. Failure to Believe—Faith is essential for anything to change. You must have faith for a better future. You must have faith for a brighter tomorrow. You must have faith that things will get better!

• Truth is not enough—if truth was enough, then why are you where you are?

• Anointing is not enough—if anointing was enough, then why are you where you are?

• You must have faith that your life will turn around!

• Your perspective will determine your reality. Your perspective will determine whether you overcome or succumb. Feed your faith!!

3. Failure to Act—when instructed the man to pick up his bed roll and walk, the man had two choices: stay where he was on obey. This is perhaps, the strongest reason why people stay where they are. They fail to act. You will miss 100% of the shots you fail to make.

• Faith without corresponding actions is useless! Are you willing to be shown [proof], you foolish (unproductive, spiritually deficient) fellow, that faith apart from [good] works is inactive and ineffective and worthless? James 2:20 Amplified

• The journey of one thousand miles begins with a single step. Get up and start moving! The longer you fail to act, the more you cement yourself to where you are

We are only as hindered by obstacles as we allow ourselves to be. There are countless stories of how people have overcome insurmountable odds and achieved success. And, if they can do it so can you and me! So, take responsibility for where you are, believe that you were born to succeed and get up and moving!! You will find that there is a miracle inside of you!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Where was I thinking?

Where are your thoughts taking you?

Have you heard the expression “his brain is in neutral”? I take that to mean that a person’s brain is running, but going nowhere. There are lots of revving, smoke, vibration, allusions to power, and great expenditures of fuel, but nobody is going anywhere.

It is a shame, but we all have met or known someone with their brain in neutral. A person with great potential and natural ability who could easily succeed at anything they wanted to do. But instead of moving toward success and achieving something, anything, they live a life that produces absolutely nothing. They are always working on the next big thing. They are always talking big plans, big ideas they are going to do this, that and the other thing! These people have great aspirations but their biggest challenge is just getting out of bed in the morning. What’s up with that?

The problem is focus. If there is no sense of purpose then one feels no need to move in any particular direction. An aimless life is the result of aimless thought. Thoughts that are unfettered, free to think about whatever they wish whether good or bad, profitable or unprofitable will lead a person nowhere. There must be a desired destination for one to reach—a purpose. If there is no focus, no purpose, one will live a life devoid of any real significance. “Aimlessness is a vice” declared James Allen that should be avoided because it leads to destruction.

Success at anything is not an accident or a fluke. It is when preparation and timing intersect. One must be constantly moving toward their purpose in life in order to fulfill it. To reach your goal you must not allow yourself to think or meditate on those things that would detract you from reaching it.

Here are some things you can do to get your thinking on track:

1. Get a goal, get a purpose. Without any direction you will get nowhere. There is a story of a farmer who had a big get together at his farm. During the festivities, he invited a friend of his to accompany him to the barn. Once there, the farmer took him to the rear exterior wall of the barn. The wall was decorated with hand painted targets on it. In the center of each target was an arrow. The friend said to his farmer friend, “you are a great archer.’ You hit the bull’s eye every time.” The farmer replied, “No. I just shoot the arrow and then paint a bull’s eye around it.” Unfortunately, this is how some people live their lives. They just take a shot and hope it hits something. Purpose provides your life with a target to aim for. It provides you with direction. Imagine taking a trip to a particular destination, but having no map or instructions on how to get there. That is a sad way to live. Setting a goal, determining a purpose, will provide you with a destination. Purpose gives your life direction.

2. Make your purpose the focus of your life. Everything we experience on the outside was first determined on the inside. Our thinking affects the way we see the world and how we interpret events and circumstances. If we believe that we are destined to live a mediocre life, we will live such a life. It is vitally important that we find our purpose and build our lives with the desired result in mind. This is not as easy as it sounds. Each of us is prone to a particular way of thinking. Our thinking is the result of years of experiences that have created our belief system. Therefore, to fulfill our purpose, we must undo all of our previous ways of thinking and construct a new way belief system. It will take more than wishful thinking to change your life. It will take focus. A marksman must intentionally set his sights on his target. He cannot randomly discharge his weapon and expect to hit the bull’s eye. Marksmanship is all about precision shooting. The marksman must take into consideration such things as; stance, range, accuracy of weapon, accuracy of ammunition, wind velocity and sight adjustment. Any one of these things, if not taken into consideration, can result in missing the target. Does a marksman ever miss his target? Yes. What does he do? The marksman makes adjustments and refocuses. Your purpose is your focus. Zero in on it! You will miss the target from time to time. When you do, just refocus and make the necessary adjustments and you will hit the target!

3. Understand that accomplishing your purpose can be achieved by effort and practice. I had injured my right arm lifting an object. Upon medical examination, it was determined that the bicep tendon was severed and surgery was needed to reattach it. This meant that I was facing a long recovery time. My normal range of motion was severely impaired. Lifting my arm was strenuous and using it for long periods of time, was unthinkable. I had been accustomed to working out with weights three times per week. After the surgery, I could barley lift a fraction of the weight I had previous to the injury. The road to recovery would be a long one. Yet, I was given hope by my health care professionals that the normal use of my arm would indeed return. They informed me that by working the arm little by little I would regain range of motion and strength. And, as it turns out, they were right.

That same principle can be applied when it comes to accomplishing your purpose. Exercise it little by little. Just as physical stretching keeps muscles and joints strong and pliable; stretching yourself to achieve your purpose will do the same for you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Be patient and practice over and over again. Then one day you will achieve what seemed impossible.

4. Purposefully change your thinking—purposefully incorporate positive influences in your life through associations, reading materials and positive affirmations. You are more likely to succeed if you have a mentor. Mentors are a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a kick in the seat of the pants to get you up and going. If you are to fulfill your purpose, you will need mentors in your life. It is imperative that you have a positive network of individuals in your life who celebrate you and challenge you to grow and be better.

Feed your mind through ingesting materials that challenge your thinking, motivate you to success, and inspire you to reach higher.

Positive affirmations serve by helping to undo dysfunctional belief systems that may be plaguing your life. You cannot change thought by thought. The way to change a thought is by changing your words. By changing your words you can effectively begin to change your life. Man is the only creature given the ability to bring what he thinks into reality. This is part of our divine nature. In Genesis chapter 1, the bible tells us that man was created in the image and likeness of God. God saw the world dark and void and His thoughts were expressed into words—“let there be” and it was so. We, who are God’s image here on earth, have the ability to think and speak and turn those thoughts and words into being. Jesus said, “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”(Mark 11:23 NKJV)

Where are your thoughts taking you? If they are moving you closer to failure than success, change them. You are the captain of your ship! Where do you want to be heading toward? Only you have the power to change you. And, the way to change your life and the direction it is taking begins by changing your thoughts!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"You don't always get what you deserve in football"

“You don’t always get what you deserve in football” said the announcer as I watched Arsenal get pummeled by Barcelona in the semi-finals of the UEFA champion’s league. Be advised I am speaking from a purely one sided opinion as I am in fact an Arsenal fan. Watching Lionel Messi of Barcelona dominate the field by scoring all four goals against the Gunners was aggravating enough. But it was the officials I really had a problem with. Allow me to explain.

European football is faced paced and the clock never stops. I prefer watching a soccer match over an NFL game anytime because of these two facts. The NFL has taken a game consisting of four fifteen minute quarters and been able to stretch it out for three hours!! Who has that kind of time?? And, who wants to spend the majority of that time watching beer and truck commercials? Not me.

However, there is a down side to soccer. One we Americans would have a problem with; there is no challenging an official decision. The NFL has allowed us to scream “look at the tape!” and thus decisions have been over-turned upon review. In soccer that option does not exist. You abide by the decision, good or bad and go on. Sometimes it works out against you, other times it is in your favor. In the case of Barcelona vs. Arsenal, there were many bad calls made. The officials made the decision based upon what they saw or thought they saw. Thus, the announcer commented; “In football, you don’t always get what you deserve.” Truly, Arsenal deserved better calls. I have no way to know if those calls would have made a difference in the outcome (Barcelona is a pretty good team). But, the fact remains, in football you don’t always get what you deserve and the same is true in life.

In life you don’t always get what you deserve. In life there is no challenging the decision, reviewing the tape, or stopping the clock and starting over. You deal with the decisions made and go on! You must get up; dust yourself off and keeping playing to win! Because in life you don’t always get what you deserve! Refuse to allow yourself to collapse into a sobbing heap of self pity. Refuse to allow yourself to be crippled by life’s circumstances. Refuse to cry “foul” every time something doesn’t go the way it should have. Refuse to whine and moan about how unfair it all is. The truth is life ain’t fair: get use to it!! KEEP PLAYING TO WIN.

Yeah, the decisions that got you where you are may have been bad ones. Yeah, you may not deserve what has happened to you. But are you going to be a victim or a victor? If you keep playing eventually good decisions will be made in your favor. If you stay in the game, you will get that undeserved decision to benefit you. The only way to win is to play on. Push through the hurt. Push through the disappointment. Push through the defeats. Stay in the game and win!

Romans 8:35-37 New Living Translation

“Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.” No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us’’

No, you may not always get what you deserve, but if you stay in the game victory is certain!

Monday, March 29, 2010

If you give to the poor, you might be a Marxist

"That's the craziest thing I have ever heard." Yet, that is the impression some people are getting from some comments recently made by Glenn Beck. You know Glenn, the man Time Magazine has called "the hottest thing in poltical rant-ratchet left or right" and he has millions of devoted followers. Glenn is intelligent, atriculate, and entertaining. But, he is not infallible.

Here is a quote taken from one of Glenn's recently aired radio programs:
"I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words. Now, am I advising people to leave their church? Yes!" These words have caused no small stir. They are based upon Beck's limited definition of the term social justice. A term he believes hides an adgenda of Marxism or worse--Nazism!  Making such a statement without clearly defining what you mean is wrecklessly stupid. Or was it all about ratings?? Makes ya wonder.

Beck later attempted to come back and explain himself on his television program. But rather than admitting he had made a bad choice in words and apologizing, he goes into a monlogue to justifiy himself. In my opinion, it was obvious that he could not admit that the statement he made was wrong. And, that encouraging people to leave their churches if those churches practiced social justice was just plain dumb!

There maybe some people out there who are using the term "social justice" to promote a political adgenda. There may be some people out there who have made the term "social justice" a code word for something more insideious. But, by in large, the majority people do not define the term in that sense.

Beck has claimed that social justice is a perversion of the gospel. Now that is crazy! Social justice is at the very heart of the gospel! A loving God moved with comapssion, gave to those who could not help themselves. Jesus said, when we have clothed the naked, fed the poor and tended to the sick and needy, it is as if we have helped Him(cf. matthew 25.34-40). The whole concept of faith being about "You" is false. The gospel and faith is never about you, it is about two things: Loving God and Loving your fellow man. The Apostle James said it this way: "Anyone who sets himself up as "religious" by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world" (cf. James 1.27 Message Bible).

From what I read of Jesus He was the social justice subversive of His day. He associated with social outcasts, lepers, prostitutes, and drunks. Jesus said that the healthy do not need a doctor--the sick do (Matthew 9.12). And, He spent the majority of His time touching, healing and tending to them. I believe He expects that we all do the same.

To insinuate that Christ followers are Marxists or a Nazis because they practice and advocate social justice is insulting. For a person to claim that social justice is a pervesion of the Gospel, illuminates the fact that the accusor has not read the gospel or at least not read it from the proper perspective. To encourage people to leave their churches if the words social justice show up, is just stupid.

According to Glenn Beck's, narrow and conspiracy laden, definition of social justice, if you give to the poor, feed the hungry and tend to the needy, you might be a Marxist. Beck should just admit he was wrong and apologize. If he does, he wil find the "Marxist" leaning bible thumpers willing to extend forgiveness. That being a another form of social justice.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kill The Beast

It has been calling out my name and mocking me. I swear the thing was shouting obscenities and laughing at me. For nearly six months I have attempted to ignore the taunts. Closing my eyes and putting my fingers in my ears and blubbering nonsense to drown them out. But it was no use. The insults were received. I felt the sting. Now, what was I going to do about it?

I had enough of it Today,I would tackle the beast. I would end the six months of incessant ridicule. I would prove once and for all that I could conquer this mountain! So, when I left home this morning, I brought my running clothes and shoes. Something had to change, and I was the only who could do something about it. And I did.

Yesterday I made a commitment to get myself back into shape. For the past six months I have been dealing with the ramifications from a corrective surgery that reattached my bicep tendon to the muscle and bone. the recovery has been slow and the limitations on using my arm had put a major kink in my exercise regiment. But, enough is enough. I had to do something and start somewhere. Might as well be today! So, I set out to attack the beast head on.

The beast is not some gnarly looking animal. The beast is picturesque. tranquil. even awes inspiring. But, don;t let the beast fool you. The beast is a killer! Many walk away from the beast with tongue dragging and limping. I know, been there and done that. But I had conquered the beast before. And, i was confident that i would today as well.

What is the beast? I should call the beast by it's real name: The Melbourne Cause way! A narrow strip of land comprise of three bridges over the Indian River Lagoon connecting the City of Melbourne, Florida to Indialantic, Florida. The view from atop of the bridge is breath taking. You can literally see for miles in every direction. I love the view. It is the journey to the top of the bridge that is the killer.

Six months ago, I was running this bridge three times a week! But that was six months ago. I had been chomping on the bit to attempt it again. Though, running would not be in the cards today. Today, I would walk the bridge. Leaving front street park in Melbourne and walking to Riverside drive in Indialantic and back. Cresting the top of the bridge twice. The trip is just about three miles. my concern was how much of this I could handle today. Would I just make it to the top and then come back down? Would I make it to the other side of the bridge and have to call it quits? Or could I really walk it all? One way to find out! I parked my car and hopped out.

I made the entire trip to Riverside Drive and back. Sunshine and seventy two degrees. It was a perfect day for a walk. Though coming back I did get a Little winded, still I pressed on. Like I said, the view from atop of the bridge is awesome. I could see all Atlantic ocean from up top. Blue skies, sail boats on the river, and even dolphins swimming below. It was fantastic. And, I felt like a million bucks! Getting back into my car I could not help but feel a sense of accomplishment. I had subdued the beast and had a good time doing it.

I don't know what beast is calling you names. I don't know the circumstances and situations that gave the beast power over you. But this I do know; as long as you never face your beast you will be terrified of it. My beast wasn't really the bridge. It was fear. Fear that would I would never get back on track to walk the bridge let alone be able to run it again. Fear the the injury I had sustained months before would completely limit what I could and could not do. fear that what I had accomplished previously would be lost and never be seen again. I couldn't let that happen. I will not be a prisoner in my own head. What about you? The day to change is today. The time to change is now. Take on your beast!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hold my feet to the fire!

I have had it! I am appalled, disgusted, just plain aggravated!. Something has got to be done. I do not like where I am and furthermore I do not like where the road that got me here leads. I can see the end, and it is definitely not where I want to end up. Something must change!

Roughly five years ago, I found myself seriously out of shape. I was tipping the scale at 250 pounds. I looked like one of those cartoon characters who had had a safe dropped on his head. It would have only been a matter of time before the health issues would manifest themselves. But, the obesity and the health concerns was not the catalyst to spark a change in my life. It was an announcement.

My son and daughter in law informed my wife and I that they were expecting our first grandchild. I was elated about the news of a baby coming in our lives. The very thought of it was exciting. However, there was a troubling image that kept coming to mind. It was an image from the past that spoke to me about my future if some thing did not change.

The image took place in a small church in South Louisiana. The hearse was parked out front and the casket surrounded by flower arrangements was placed right in front of the pulpit. In the image a small red headed boy of five, all neatly dressed in suit and tie was peering over the edge of the smoke colored casket. He was looking at the body of his best buddy--his grandfather.

That boy was my son and the body in the casket was that of my late father in law. He was a godly man. He had little formal education as he went to work at a young age to help support his family. He worked hard his entire life. Served with the 2ND Armored Division in the Korean conflict and earned a combat infantry badge. He built his home with his own two hand and had the deed to prove that it was his. He was a caring and compassionate man who loved his family and would give the shirt off of his back to help someone in need. My son idolized the man. And, I looked to him as the father I never had. Yet, he would not take care of himself.

He suffered a severe heart attack many years prior and was medically retired from his occupation. His heart was bad and his blood pressure was high. He was given strict orders concerning medication, diet and exercise. he would take the medication, he worked hard, but he would not eat right. Born and raised in the heart of Cajun country his diet consisted of fatty fried foods. He loved it. he often said, "I would rather be dead than not be able to eat what I want." He got what he wanted. And, a five year old boy is out a friend and trying to grasping to understand what had taken place.

That image has burned in my mind for over twenty years. It was that image that propelled me to do something with myself. I did not want my grandson to be peering over the casket at my cold lifeless body because I failed to take care of myself. I finally had a reason worth dying for to get myself health and in shape. I set out on a mission and within two years I was in the best shape of my life--eating correctly and exercising religiously. And, then out of nowhere..or so it seemed...challenges presented themselves. Challenges that if not addressed and remedied they could undermine my success.

Within the space of 13 months, I was hit with three major life challenges: The death of my mother in law, losing my job, and suffering an injury that result in corrective surgery along with months of therapy. I have been reeling emotionally. I stopped exercising and basically have been eating whatever I want. I saw myself in the mirror today 25 lbs heavier than I was a year ago and out of shape. And, guess who happened to be standing beside me? My four year old grandson. I looked at him. I looked at me. And, I remembered an image from a long time ago. Today, things will change.

So my purpose in writing this today is to let you all know (whoever you all maybe) what my game plan is. Starting today it is back to being the exercising/healthy eating zealot I was 13 months ago. It is the first day to set things in order. To change my direction and steer my course to where I want to be rather than allowing my emotions to cause me to drift aimlessly to an undesired destination. I need and solicit your help. I am asking for you to hold my feet to the fire. Can ya do that?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I am who I am.

I recently read a Face book Post of a friend of mine concerning the 2010 census. He stated that when he was asked to specify race he stated other and wrote in American. I can understand where he is coming from. From what I gather he feels Uncle Sam is requesting too much information and that as a people we should be willing to look past color to the bigger picture. His motivation is true and noble. However, I have to take issue with that. And, for Three reasons:
(1) American is not a race--we are a nation compiled of various and numerous ethnicity's and racial heritage. The term can be applied to anyone who was born here or became a naturalized citizen. It is a broad term that can be used by any person from any racial group.
(2) As noble as it sounds not see color when we see people, the fact is we do. We cannot help it. Part of our developmental process is to recognize differences. Ever watch Sesame Street? The song went, "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is different." We can't help it. We develop to notice differences. And, America is racially diverse! That is the truth.
(3) Respect for Authority--Jesus said "render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's" (Matthew 22.21). If Caesar, or Uncle Sam, asks for your full cooperation in completing a census form, you should comply. I do not think Jesus would advocate ripping up census forms and encourage us not to comply because we do not like the direction of the government. I cannot tell you what to do, only advise. But, why be the proverbial fly in the ointment? What will it accomplish?

Red, yellow, black, and white--this is how God created us. To say that we should just ignore our race is like trying to hide a elephant in plain sight. It is obvious to everyone. This is not a problem nor should it be a problem. if anything the message of Christ is of greater influence when people of every race can live, work and worship together. The bible refers to believers as "living stones" (1 Peter 2.5)--NOTE: stones not bricks. Bricks are all the same. Stones are not. This illustrates that God knows and recognizes our unique differences. His desire is to bring them all together to form a collective Mosaic. It's beauty made by the hand of God. Celebrate your uniqueness and use it for the greater good.

I will be filling out my 2010 census and I will not have a problem stating that I am just a plain vanilla wrapper. This who God made me. And, I am convinced that he made me this way for a reason. I am an American. Yes. I am. I am also the handiwork of God--his workmanship. Of neither I am not ashamed.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Pursuit

We spend much our time looking for something we believe that is missing. Endless pursuits to acheive one thing: personal happiness. Running from one realtionship to another in search of the perfect person to complete us. We want to be thinner, taller, leaner, more educated, have pretty teeth, better hair, dress cool, and on and on the list goes. Looking for that one thing that will make life better. Sadly, when we get that one thing, we discover that it does not produce the result we desired and so the pursuit begins again.

I believe that I live in the most consumer driven society in the world. People spend money for the most stupid things. Things that they will never use and will soon disgard. Things that are the rave now, will be tomorrows yard sale fodder. Is there no end to our never ending appetite for more?

So, what is the problem? What is it that causes people to pursue their lusts? Lust has been too narrowly defined to sex. The truth is lust (envy-greed)is the problem with our culture. Lust has one objective: please me. It rarely takes into consideration the ramifications its pursuit and apprehension of the desired goal will bring about. Lust is only interested in one thing: self gratification. It does not think about anything or anyone else but self.

Because of lust, a couple engages in sex and then is surprised that a pregnancy has occured. Well shazam! How do people think people get into this world? You have sex and are shocked when the EPT glows positive?

Lust pushes us to go to the movies every week and to dine at teh best restaurnats. It pushes us to drive the best cars and wear the nicest clothes. Then we are shocked when the house is foreclosed and the bank account is overdrawn. Hello?? You slap it all down on the platic, but eventually the bill has got to be paid. Lust didn't think about that.

So many find themsleves swirling around the bowl. Wondering how did this happen? Why is this happening? It is time to come to the realization that you want out of it. You do not want to continue in this cycle of endless stupidity. It has only one end result--Your demise. The complete and utter destruction of your soul. That intangible immortal, eternal part of you that was created for so much more than this lust driven culture. It is time to stop thinking about self and gratifying lust. It is time to live life as it was meant to be lived.

So, what can you do to break the stupidity cycle?
1. Understand that you cannot change the world--but you can change yourself. This is key to impacting culture. If everyone would just assume personal responsibility.

2. Think about the long term implications rather than the short term gratification. Consider all of the possibilities of your actions. Just don;t react to your impulses and go with the flow. That river leads to nowhere.

3. Understand that your actions impact and influence others. the chain smoker feels that he/she isn't hurting anyone. It is their perosnal right! What about the affects of second hand smoke? What about the results of cancer? Doctors are now involed, technicans in the labs, medical transmportation, pharmacists, and family members coming to the hospital to visit and deal with the affects of smoking. Then if the smoker does, the funeral home is involved, grave diggers, grieving loved ones. Your actions will affect someone else. Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself". Think of the bigger picture.

The world is not perfect and neither are the people in it. God does not expect perfection from us, He expects us to be people. People with warts and short comings. Will we ever get it together? Who knows. The key is to keep striving for the best. So, make that your priority everyday--to be the best me that I can be. And if we all can do that, then maybe, just maybe, we can make the world a better place.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dig It Up!

Where did the car you drive originate? Most would reply, that their car was built in Detroit, Japan or Germany. That in a sense is true. Workers in an auto assembly plant assembled the car piece by piece. But where did it originate before that? A prototype was developed and tested. Designs were created detailing feature on the car from the anti-lock braking system to the cup-holders. But where did the car originate before that? The visible and tangible car you drive began in the invisible and intangible. It began in the thoughts and souls of a person…perhaps even in the soul of a toddler.
Let’s look at the lives of two toddlers: Johnny and Bobby. One day, Johnny is playing on the floor with some Lego blocks. Instead of just placing them together in a random order, this day Johnny pauses. Suddenly, something sparks in his imagination. He begins to create. He first saw it in his mind and his hands work feverishly in attempt to bring the idea into reality. The result of his labor is a crude car constructed from Lego blocks.
Johnny was amazed at what he had accomplished. He laughs and claps his hands. He is so impressed with his work that he seeks out his parents to show them. And, he finds that they were just as excited as he was about his work.
What occurred was more than Johnny just building a car from blocks. It was the releasing of something miraculous. Two of the most powerful forces in the universe were unleashed: talent and desire. Johnny felt something on the inside of him. It was something that made him feel happy and alive. He found something that he wanted to do. And the more he did it, the more he wanted to do it. So, from kindergarten to college Johnny worked at bringing that desire into being. With the encouragement of parents and peers, Johnny pushed forward. Johnny realized that there was a car inside of him that need to become a reality.
The visible world always originates in the invisible. Everything we see began there. Everything we behold, every gadget we use all began in the human soul. And, through desire and discipline those dreams became realities. This is how the world was originally created. The visible creation was brought into existence by the invisible God. God dreamed it, saw it, spoke it and it was. And, God breathed that same creative force into mankind.
Johnny went on to win prestigious awards. He designed some of the finest automobiles in the world. But, if the truth be told, there are other cars just as great as or greater than Johnny’s. There are cars that are engineering marvels. Car that are revolutionary in fuel economy and passenger safety. Sleek, luxurious, and beautiful to behold. They only problem is: they don’t exist in our visible and tangible world. No one is able to drive them or even see them. The reason is these cars were never built. They are stuck in the invisible world of another child named Bobby.
Bobby’s initial experience was very similar to Johnny’s. However, the reaction Bobby received from his father was a bit different. Instead of being praised for his creative genius, he was scolded for making a mess with his toys. The Lego car was dismantled piece by piece. The pieces that were the parts of an amazing creation were coldly tossed into a container. Bobby cried and was sent off to bed.
Later Bobby expressed a desire to draw and design. Bobby’s father response was squelching. He told Bobby that such a pursuit was a waste of time and that Bobby should learn a trade like him, Then Bobby, could get a good job at the factor with him. Bobby was not encouraged to peruse his dream or even achieve academically. Status quo was ok. Bobby’s father reasoned that his son would be working at the factory anyway, why study to be something he will never be? Bobby’s father was right. Bobby ended up working in the same factory as his father. The same factor where Johnny’s dream car came rolling down the assembly line. Yet, inside Bobby, there is still a great car waiting to come out? Will it ever see the light of day?
We can say that Johnny had it better and we would be right. But, someone who realizes their dreams could either come from the home of Johnny or Bobby. If Bobby were to realize his dream, he would have had to make a change somewhere. He would have to learn that the power to give his dream life comes from the inside. What lies deep inside of us is where real life is. It is up to each of us to listen to it, look for it, dig it up and put it into practice.
The reality of life we see and live on the outside is one that emerges from the inside, from our hearts, minds and souls. It is our internal life that creates our external one. So, to find our lives we must find what lies below the surface of our skin. We must look at, listen to, discover and be mindful of our internal life—of such things as our talents, feelings, desires and dreams.
Buried Treasure—
Everyone of us have had experiences that make our internal life seem unavailable to us. These experiences come from our interaction with family, friends, teachers, and even church as well as any number of influences. We can find ourselves living out of touch with the very center of life itself. It is possible just to float through life being completely unaware of who you are and what you want. The issues of life can cause us to bury our hearts and souls. To enjoy the benefits of life, to realize the full intent of its design you must dig them up. You must dig them up and reinvest back into life to make the invisible visible.
This means you must face your fears and obstacles. Find out what was it that caused you to bury your treasure. Was it a father like Bobby’s? Were the reasons economic? Did bad relationships cause you to bury your treasure? You will find that there is no shortage of things in life that can influence you to bury your heart and soul.
Those who succeed in life cannot ignore their hearts, minds, and souls. “Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life (Proverbs 4.23) Success and failure both come from what is going on inside of a person.
Not Everything Buried is Treasure—
There are some things that are buried in us that must be dealt with. Here are two things you can do with negative things buried in your life.
1. Get rid of the pain or sickness you are carrying around. These are negative influences and they can affect you. If you walk around with unresolved issues of the heart, your goals will be negatively affected.
2. Face the sickness--Each time your face one of these sicknesses something bigger and better will emerge.
We will need to make a decision about the things we dig up. If it is negative toss it. If it is good, sow it. Sowing is a risk. But, it is suitable risk. Sometimes it may feel painful and awkward, but we must focus on what the end result will be. There is very little growth and reward in life without taking risks. In Jesus parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-29), the one who buried his talent did so to avoid the risk of loss, failure, and disapproval. The very thing he sought to avoid is what he received.
“The Wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception” Proverbs 14.18
Do you want to grow? Do you want to realize your dreams? Growth is when you take new things that you dig up and discover, and integrate them with the rest of who you already are.
“He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty.” Proverbs 28.19
9 Things you can do to digging up your dreams—
1. Listen to what bugs you. It might be a message.
2. Don’t let negative feelings just sit there. Do something about them
3. Don’t let long term wishes and dreams be ignored. Find out what they mean.
4. Listen to your symptoms. They may be telling you there is something to dig up.
5. Pay attention to your fantasies. They may be telling you that something is missing and it needs to be resolved in proper way.
6. Face the fears and obstacles that have cause you to bury your treasure.
7. Don’t mistake envy for desire. You may want someone else’s life because you have lost touch with your own.
8. Do everything in the context of your values and your community of people who are committed to guarding your heart.
9. Ask God to help you find your heart, mind, soul and the treasure he placed there for you.
Grasp your dreams. Reach for them. Take appropriate risks. It is a sin to die with unused potential. Die with failure before you die with unused potential. Potential is something to be realized, not guarded and protected. Dig up your talents, your dreams and desires. Invest them. And, you will find that it is true—Life comes from the inside out.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just 800 Miles

It is just 800 miles. That is just about the distance from the Sabine River on the Texas-Louisiana state line to the West Texas town of El Paso. You can travel the marsh flat Texas Gulf Coast along Interstate 10 and watch the scenery change from lush green rice fields to rugged mesquite scrubs in just about a day’s drive. All along the way you see a land that is blessed and prosperous.
It is roughly 800 miles south-east of Miami. The Island of Hispaniola is divided between two nations. The eastern two thirds of the island is the Spanish speaking Dominican Republic. The western third is the French speaking nation of Haiti. Haiti is slightly smaller than the state of Maryland and is home to nearly nine million people. It is also the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. The average annual per capita income is $1300. Nearly 65% of her citizens live in absolute poverty. Eroding natural resources, HIV AIDS, and political turmoil affects the lives of millions of Haitians. There is now ay to accurately describe what life is like in Haiti. From people I know personally, they have told me that one would have to experience it to fully understand the magnitude of it all.
Tuesday January 12, 2010 an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale centered smack dab in the middle of Haiti. The earthquake unleashed massive devastation. Though the people of Haiti are accustomed to hardship and turmoil, there was nothing to prepare them for this cataclysmic event. Shanty homes that were barely livable collapsed into rubble. Hospitals, schools, government buildings crumbled as the earth heaved and shook trapping hundreds beneath them. Basic necessities that we Americans take for granted such as water and lights were off line. And when the shaking stopped and the dust settled tens of thousands were dead and hundreds more unaccounted for. This was a horrific event, but it isn’t over.
Two controversial people have made comments that should not have been made. Rush Limbaugh believes the current US Presidential Administration is using this disaster for political gain. Pat Robertson claims that Haiti is cursed by the devil and this is earthquake is proof of that. The statements are ridiculous and bring no resolution to the immediate problem. This is not the time to get caught up in any debate that takes the focus off of the needy and the hurting.
Haiti needs help. Volunteers are needed to help in the search and rescue of survivors. Medical professionals are needed to provide treatment to the injured. And, contributions need to be given. This is the time when we, the blessed, share with those who need to be blessed. This is the time to focus on the need and seek to fulfill it.
Haitians look different and speak differently than most Americans. They have customs and beliefs that we do not share. Their way of life is completely foreign to us. But, they are not a world away. They are just 800 miles south of us. The same distance between The Sabine River in East Texas to El Paso. Find a charitable organization and donate. Help make a difference in the lives of those who are closer than you think.
“ I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
Matthew 25:35-40 New king James Version

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Five Touches To A Better Me

Five Touches To a Better Me

New Year provides us with an opportunity to make a start fresh start and to set our lives in order. It is estimated that 48% of Americans will make some Sort of New Year resolution. Of those resolutions made, 92% will not be kept. In fact, 45% will fail before the end of January. Only 8% will reach their goal. That is a sad commentary. Many see the need for improvement in their lives, yet when it comes to actually doing something about it they fail miserably. Why?
The key to achieving any goal or fulfilling any New Year resolutions is having an effective strategy (action plan) in accomplishing them. Most people are overwhelmed by the effort that is involved to their goals and give up. Some will set un-realistic goals, like trying to lose 50lbs in 30 days. While others set their goals too low and thus become bored and quit. And, most just ain’t got a plan on how to make it happen.
People need something simple, something easy to remember. They need something that helps them to prioritize their goals and life accordingly.
I have come up with something I want to share with you. I call it five touches to a Better Me: These are five things I can do every day that will impact my future in a positive and life changing way.
1. Touch God—Psalm 63.1 “O God, you are my God; Early will I seek you…” Make touching God your number 1 priority every day. Praying/devotion is not something you have to do, it is something that you get to do. Every day you can touch the creator of the universe and seek His counsel and direction for your life. James 1.5—“if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God, that gives to all men liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him.” That is a powerful promise. If I lack wisdom—understanding-direction, I can ask God and He WILL give it to me! Touching God everyday is an opportunity to invite the divine supernatural presence of God into my life. To guide and order my steps. Make it the first thing you do every day. Pray and spend time in God’s word.
2. Touch my family—Outside of my relationship with God there is no other relationship more important that my family. First to my wife, then to my children. Ephesians 5. 25—“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it.” The love that a husband has for his wife is to mirror the love Christ has for the Church. That is a selfless sacrificial love. A love completely devoted to serving the other. Colossians 3.18—“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as is fit in the Lord.” Some like to use this verse as a means to subjugate women. But, that isn’t what it is talking about. Just as the man is to love his wife as Christ loves the Church, the wife is to love-honor-respect her husband as unto the Lord. This is an act of worship.
The way we treat our children is even spelled out for us in Ephesians 6.4—“And you fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Be an example to your kids. Do not live a life that provokes (motivates) them to evil. Set a good example.
3. Touch My Future—Proverbs 13.22: “a good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children…” I will touch things that will live beyond me. God has lain on my heart to start projects that will touch the lives of people and make them better. You may want to start a business, write a book, and start a ministry for the needy. Whatever it is that you want to touch that lives beyond you invest in it every day.

2 Timothy 2.15—“study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” –READ-LEARN-STUDY! The world and technology is changing at neck breaking speed. You must keep up with it and embrace it. Fill your head with knowledge. Life is about learning. Learn as much as you can. Enroll in classes; attend seminars and read, read, read. It will keep you sharp and will keep you young. Proverbs 19.2—“Also it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge.”

Touching your future also involves your health and fitness. There is only one of you. Take care of yourself by eating right and exercise—1 Corinthians 6.19, your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Take care of it.

4. Touch My Finances—Set aside money each week for God, business, savings and household. Proverbs 22.7—tells us that the borrower is servant to the lender. So try to pay cash as much as possible. Manage your money or your debt will enslave you! Money is not good or evil. It is simply a tool. A hammer in the hands of a carpenter can construct a fine home. The same hammer in the hand of a psychopath can kill someone. Use the money you are blessed with wisely.

5. Touch My Friends—Ecclesiastes 4.12: “…a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” The friends you hang out with speak volumes about you. Good solid relationship will keep you safe. Surround yourself with good friends. People who celebrate you. People will build you up instead of tearing you down. Touch a friend every day. Proverbs 27.17: “As Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”

Make this year the best year of your life. Take time to prioritize what is important to you. Write those goals and dreams down. Ask yourself how these goals will help you and those you love most. And, just make five touches every day. It will help to keep you on track.