Monday, November 29, 2010

How ya like me now?

"Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness,
the LORD shall be a light unto me." Micah 7:8

Ever had the wind knocked out of you? I have.  I remember one instance very vividly.  I was playing Junior High School football.  When the ball snapped and the action started, I must have stepped back and stood up a bit from as a player from the opposing line thrust his helmet into my gut! I was knocked down and as I stood up I could not breathe.  In what seemed to take an eternity my breathing did return to normal.

Ever had life knock the wind out of you?  Divorce, being laid off, and financial woes will all knock the wind out of you. And, there are numerous other instances when we have been caught off guard and opposition seemed to gut punch us. None of us are immune from the gut punches of life.  We all at sometime or another have had the wind knocked out of us.  With situations that have hurt us deeply, shattered our dreams and have left us feeling humiliated, what do we do? You get back up.

When you played sports you didn't lay there on the field moaning and crying. Coach would tell you to get up and "walk it off"!  You did as you were told and eventually the life would come back into you.  The same is true in life.The longer you lay there wallowing in self pity the harder it will be to get back in the game.  You must get up and walk it off! No matter how hard you were knocked down--get up! No matter how low you sank--get up and walk it off!!

When life knocks the wind out of you determine that you are getting back up!  Others will laugh at you and you may even have to swallow your pride as the situation brings you down to your knees.  When that happens just imagine the end result you desire to have.  Picture yourself as already getting back up and not just surviving, but thriving! People may have rejoiced at the pain they inflicted in your life. They may have thought they did you in.  Now, just imagine all the faces of those who wrote you off, who hurt you, who laughed at you when you rise up from the ashes and claim your prize.  Imagine you asking them "How ya like me now?"

 Live that victory internally and it will manifest itself externally. You have to be the victor on the inside before it manifests on the outside.  Determine that when you fall you will rise back up again.  I may be in darkness now, but I have hope for a brighter tomorrow.  Don't give up on me just yet.  I will bounce back. One day the situation I am in will only be a memory.  And, I will ask all of those who believed me out for the count, "how ya like me now?"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chasing your tail!

Yes. I am a Harry Potter fan.

 I became one after looking into Harry for myself.  I had been told to stay away from Harry Potter.  That Harry Potter was the satanic and the books are a ploy to lure people to the dark side! In Christian circles books were written and entire ministries sprung up to battle the ebbing darkness of Harry!  He had to be stopped!!

Is Harry Potter a threat to Christianity?  Can the entire body of Christ be undermined by a English school boy who waves a wand?  Think about that!  This is insanity!!!!  Yet, as a Christian, and a Pastor, I have seen this type of thing repeatedly in Christian circles. These are things that get our focus off the real issues and place them on something else.  It all reminds me of a dog chasing his tail!  A lot of action but leads to nothing productive.

Why is it that Christians will spend so much time chasing their Harry Potter Tail?  Deflection!  Rather than addressing the real issues of the world, we find something else to vilify and persecute!  Why would we do that?  Because it takes attention off of what we are not and what we are not doing! 

Jesus refers to His followers as light and salt.  Both of these things are agents of change.  Light changes darkness and salt changes the flavor of what it comes in contact with.  That is what we are suppose to do.  But, it is far easier to focus our energy on Harry than focusing on becoming what Jesus wants us to be. 

Jesus said that when ever we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and prisoners it is as if we have done this to Him.  When we spend all of our time chasing our tail, we neglect those who need Jesus the most.  We miss the point.  Social Justice is at the heart of Christianity.  This fact cannot be denied.  And it saddens me to think we have made Christianity an enterprise rather than an agency for change.  It is time for all of this craziness to stop. 

It is time to stop arguing that Jesus is more like a Republican or more like a Democrat. Just think how crazy those statements are?  They are only more of the same sectarian bigotry that divides God's people.  It is time to stop creating multi-billion dollar church organizations that are more concerned with self-preservation rather than fulfilling God's purpose here on earth.  It is time to stop placing limits on who is love able and who isn't.  It is time to stop saying who can worship at the local church and who can't! It is time to stop chasing our tails.  It is time to start doing what Jesus intended for us to be: Agents of change. 

Harry Potter isn't the devil; complacency is.  Harry Potter isn't evil; greed is.  Harry Potter isn't wicked; showing no compassion is.  It is time to stop chasing our tails and do something that really matters.

Harry Potter is the Anti-Christ and other non-sensical comments!

There was deep concern in his voice as he made his claim. He turned toward the camera and emphatically declared that the Harry Potter books were ploys of satan to suck the spiritual life out of children! He declared that the books should be banned.  And, that Christian people should rise up and forbid their children to be duped by this vast satantic conspiracy!

 I mean this guy sitting there looking into the camera had the crednetials.  He was (and still is) a prominent televangelist. He pastors a large congregation.  Has dined with presidents and is a personal friend of Israel.  Not to mention, he has this really big chart that stretches across the platform of his church that he often refers to. Why should anyone doubt what he was saying?

This man launched a full assault of the books of J.K. Rowling.  He did everything in his power to sway millions to stay away from the budding Harry Potter franchise.  And, people listened and took what he said lock, stock and barrel.  Many never even checked Harry Potter out for themselves.  I recently spoke with a woman in the church where I attend and she said she would never read the Harry Potter books or see the movies. And, when I pressed her about it, she could not even tell me why.  In my opnion that is just doesn't make any sense.

When all the Harry Potter hoop-la started, I decided to look into this for myself.  I was not just going to take what someone said as fact without doing my own research. So, I looked in to it.  And, I became a Harry Potter fan! I have enjoyed every Harry Potter film and just saw "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" (Part 1) on opening day.  And, after watching all of those movies I have never once had the urge to sacrifice cats and worship satan.  Nor, do I find myself casting spells or flying around on brooms!  All the claims made, though well intentioned, were wrong. It just goes to show you cannot believe everything you are told.

I wonder how many people live their lives based upon what someone else has told them?  I wonder how many people live beneath their potential because they were told they did not have any?  I wonder how many have bought a bill of goods about their future from friends or even family members?  They took what someone told them as fact and did not even explore their options.  That is not just a shame.  I believe it is a sin. 

God created each of us as unique one of a kind masterpiece. He has given each of us unlimited potential. We have more potential than we will ever use in a life time.  So, rather than buy the lies that you are hopeless, destined for poverty, that life is meant to be endured, why not look into the truth?  Why not discover who you really are and what you are meant to do?  You hear a voice in you for something bigger.  Listen to that inner voice! Stop listening to those who tell you can't and start believing that you can!! The road of discovery will change your life!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Stuck in a Moment

Houston, Texas 1983. I was sitting in the waiting room at South East Memorial Hospital. The doors to the authorized personnel area opened and in walked the doctor. I stood to my feet and walked over to her. When we met, she said to me; "Mr. Toops, you are the father of a healthy baby boy." My whole life changed in just a moment.

A moment is a point in time where my past meets my future. A point where I can see all of the failures, pain and mistakes of yesterday and where I can see if I do not make alteration in my life, I will repeat them again in my future. We all have experienced moments. Moments that define who we are. Moments that have set the course of our lives. Some have been great moments. While some moments we have regrettably had to live with.

Moments can be by our own making–choices we have made. Some moments are the results of decisions others close to us made. But they are all just that moments. Moments come and moments go. They can be easily ignored or they can be an epiphany.

In Gospel of Luke, chapter fifteen, Jesus gave a parable. A parable is a simple story used to convey a deeper truth. The majority of Jesus' teaching was done in parabolic form. In Luke 15, Jesus used three parables: The parable of the Lost Coin; the parable of the lost sheep; and the parable of the prodigal son (our lost son).

In The parable of the prodigal son, Jesus told the story of a young man who was discontented with the life that his family had provided him. This son was born obviously into a family of means and had everything he wanted or needed. However, he was wanting to break free form home and do his own thing. Jesus painted a vivid picture of the disrespect and rebellion of this son. The social and religious implications of the son's statements and actions were appalling. Jesus had succeeded in portraying the son as a spoiled rich brat! The young man was given his share of the father's wealth and split for places far far away.

Once the prodigal arrived at his destination, he "wasted" his money in prodigal living ( wasteful living) .He spent everything and became destitute. The fun dried up and the friends left him. To make matters worse, a famine came to far far away. And, the prodigal found himself in NEED! He was in a far away country with no financial means and without a support network. he was flat broke and on his own. The arrogant rich brat who had it all was no reduced to a vagrant who slopped hogs to pay his bills. To refer to a song by U2 , he was stuck in a moment and he couldn't get out of it!

Then something happened. Just like the brainstorm came to him to leave home and live the Vida loca, he had another moment. But, this time it was a moment of self realization. Luke's gospel says it this way: "but when he came to himself". The choices of the past collided with his future. He realized that if he stayed where he was he would die. He had to get out of this. He made a decision to go home, apologize to his father and take full responsibility for his actions. He hoped that things would work. And, according to the parable, they did. And, things worked out better than he had hoped. A moment had nearly ruined his life. And a moment changed his life!

Do you find yourself alienated from a life you use to know? Do you find your self separated from family or friends? Have your choices caused you to ruin relationships–finances–health–others? Do you find your self alone and in a pig pen? Are you hungry for a better life? Have you come face to face with the realization that if something does not change your life is doomed to repeat itself? If you have come to realize you must change you're on the right track. Now you must act on it. You must put your desire to change to work for you. You must have a defining moment that will impact the rest of your life. A moment for your good not your bad. A moment that may be painful to for you. But a moment that will change you forever. YOU MUST COME TO YOURSELF! You must awaken that person God created you to be. That persons you have always wanted to be. That successful person who is working to fulfill their purpose on this earth. It must start somewhere. It might as well be right here, right now. But it is a choice that only YOU can make.

This is your moment. Do not let fear paralyze you. Do not let uncertainty dominate your mind. There are two dimensions of faith. The first dimension is faith to trust God. That is simply trusting God to do what he has said to do. Things that he has done for others, except you have never experienced them. Trusting God for salvation–relationships–finances–health. These are areas of first dimension faith. Second dimension faith is simply stepping out not having a clue because God has not really said what He would do. The prodigal son had no guarantee that his father would even speak to him let alone allow him to be a hired servant. But his stepping out into that area of unknown–knowing it was the right thing to do, with no guarantee that it would go the way he wanted it to go, resulted in an ending –(or new beginning?) to his story. What is your defining moment challenging you to do?

What areas of the unknown are you feeling compelled to step out into? Don’t wait for some sign to appear before you act. Don’t wait till everything comes together before you step out. Don’t wait till it all comes to you .Do something you have never done before. It may require swallowing your pride or eating some proverbial dirt. You can’t expect anything to change if you stay where you are. Come to yourself and get out of the mess you find yourself in. It is not too late. Now is your defining moment.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is It Just Me?

When I was a boy, I loved playing army men.  My friends and I would take our gear and would go off in search of the enemy. Our epic battles would take place across lawns, down the alley and in vacant lots on the near West Side of Indianapolis.  But in our minds we were storming the beaches of Normandy.  We were parachuting behind enemy lines in Germany. We took the islands of the pacific. Often outnumbered we would defeat entire divisions with just hand to hand combat!  We could save the world before dinner time every day!

Many of you can relate to that.  You may not have played army men but you may have raced bicycles.  Though you were just peddling down the sidewalk in your mind you were winning the Indy 500. Your barbie always won the beauty pageant.  In our child's mind we never lost a battle, race or contest.  Let me ask you this; where does that come from?  Where does the idea that we always win come from?  I believe that our desire to win comes from our spiritual DNA. 

The book of Genesis records that man was made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27).  God is the author of all creation. He saw the chaotic world of Genesis 1 and visualized that things could improve. So He spoke it and it was so.  But first he saw it in his mind.  This is where you got the idea of always winning no matter what as a kid.  It is in your spiritual make up.  The problem is that after people grow up, they leave the creative imagination behind. Then they find themselves trapped in lives were they are always the loser. 

Do you ever find you dream of doing or being something more than what you are right now?  Do you have a dream or passion that you feel burning inside of you to fulfill?  Does it keep you awake at night and consume your thoughts by day? Do you still dream of being a winner?  You may have even asked yourself; "is this for real or is it just me?" IT IS NOT JUST YOU! 

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10 NKJV)

God created you to be a winner.  He created you to fulfill a purpose here on this earth. He placed you here to make a difference.  It is not just you, it is God in you screaming for you to fulfill your mission.  He is prodding you to find your purpose and discover your destiny.

We were all created to be winners. As Chip Esajian says, "You were created extraordinary greatness!"  Get up and pursue your dreams! Stop worrying about what others will think.  Did you worry what people thought when you were pretending when you were a kid?  Why let what someone else thinks about your dream determine the way you feel? It is not just you feeling this way.  Millions of people live lives that Emerson called quiet desperation.  They feel something bigger on the inside, screaming to get out, but is held captive by fear, doubt and unbelief.  I will not live like that! 

Starting today determine to listen to that winner in you.  Listen to that creative power of God in your spirit that says you can do or be anything you desire to be.  It's not too late to find your passion.  It's not too late to fulfill your purpose.  It is never too late to make a difference.

God Bless you!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Better Thinking Better Living: Be Thankful

Better Thinking Better Living: Be Thankful

Be Thankful

Be Thankful

Ephesians 5:20

“Giving thanks always for all things…”

I have heard this passage quoted mucho mas (a lot)! And, sad to say, much of the time it was interpreted incorrectly. Let me give you a few examples: “Thank you Jesus for breaking my arm!” Or “I am thankful for the painful divorce I am going through!” These are a couple of illustrations of how people have missed the point. I myself wrestled with this passage and the misguided interpretations I was given. There was just no way could I be thankful for something that brought me harm or intense personal pain. I felt that by saying “thank you” for my pain, hurt, loss or whatever, I was acknowledging that God was the author of it. I just could not wrap my head around the whole idea of God sending pain into my life. I could not believe that God would intentionally hurt me or anyone else just to teach us to be thankful. And, when I questioned people about this, I was told not to ask why or question God, just accept what He has sent. Fortunately, I learned that God is not the author of pain in my life. I discovered that he takes no pleasure in seeing me suffer. And, He is not afraid or intimidated by my questions. So, what did Paul the Apostle mean when he penned the words “giving thanks for all things”?

I believe Paul was stating that thankfulness is a life style. It is something that we should intentionally practice each and every day. Thankfulness should flow out of us and touch every aspect of our lives. You see, thankfulness starts on the inside and is not reactionary to external stimuli! Thankfulness is not something I demonstrate only when triggered it into action. It is a way of life! That no matter what is going on around me; I have a well of thankfulness I can draw from. Drinking from this well, I am refreshed when the heat is on! Am I thankful for the pain of breaking my arm? No. Am I thankful for the deep emotional hurt of a divorce? No. My thankfulness is demonstrated by me not allowing these painful life experiences to affect me. And, I can be thankful for God’s help, guidance and protection through the difficulties of life.

So, what can a person do to dig a deep well of thankfulness?

1. When you wake up every morning say “thank you” over and over again. This will get your mind and spirit moving in the right direction. Make this a practice throughout the day. Understand that thankfulness must be cultivated and maintained daily!!

2. When faced with problems, instead of asking “why is this happening to me?”, rather ask “what can I learn from this?” The way you view the problems of life will either make you bitter or better.

3. Understand that you have a choice. You are not the helpless victim of circumstances beyond your control. Make the effort to build up your internal person (the real you) to withstand the storms of life. You may not be able to change the wind, but you can change your sails!

Starting today; make faithfulness a way of life. By doing so you will discover that you have more joy, attract better people into your life and will b e a source of encouragement to others.